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Heartwarming Small-Town Romances and Thrilling Mysteries

Thoughts on Going Home Again

We’ve reached the end of this summer’s sojourn and are heading home again. Ah home! Where my sewing machine, my desk, my bed, and my close by, full-service bathroom are waiting for me. It will be SO good to use them again. When I retired, I thought I would love traveling all over with my […]

Thoughts on Going Home

Throughout our married lives, Hubby’s career led us to new towns and places. One thing about moving is that we have friends all over the place and I miss them all when we’re not there. When I hear people saying they can’t leave a place because all their friends are there, I think about all […]

Thoughts on Hiking in the Black Hills

Well, he did it. Hubby got me out in the woods hiking. Back in the days when I worked as an archaeological technician, I used to hike in the woods, up and down hills, through thickets, over rocks, down draws, and all over the place. I was paid to do it. Now I have to […]

Thoughts on Camping Preferences

I’ve discovered something during our summer camping trip this year: I’m not a pioneer woman. My ancestors were, but somewhere between them and me, my part of the family line has mutated into a whiny, gotta-have-my-electricity-and-shower camper. My foremothers are probably letting out a simultaneous groan. There’s something about one shower a week that just […]