We’ve been home a week and I’m still loving it. Last weekend we helped with the Weiser River Trail October Trek which is a 2-day, 84-mile bicycling event. Hubby had been looking forward to riding the event for weeks, but the day before he hurt his knee. The doctor told him no biking for several weeks so Hubby had to sit out. And that was really disappointing and hard for him to do. We went over to help with registration and helped ferry baggage and riders to the starting point. We made sure everyone got to the lunch point safely and aired up a few tires. We waited at the campground at the end of the first day’s ride until everyone came in. That’s all we could do. Oh well, there’s always next year.
While we waited at the campground, I overheard a conversation that caused me a lot of contemplation. A man was talking about his “battle axe of a mother-in-law” (his exact words) who lived with them. And he said “no one will grieve for her when she’s gone.” That statement made me very sad. How sad if I died and no one grieved for me. I hope that somehow, someway I’ve impacted people around me in a positive way and that when I pass, someone, somewhere will miss me.
I am a mother-in-law and I try to be a good one. My son-in-law calls me “MIL” and the way he says it, it’s a term of endearment. My daughter-in-law calls me “Mom Carol” which I find so sweet. Both terms leave me with warm feelings inside. They are my adopted children by marriage. I love both of them like my own children.
I will try to never be a battle axe to my children-in-laws. I’ve had to bite my tongue many times, but I was glad I did. I try to give my opinion only if asked and try to keep it to myself if not asked. At this point, I’m a spectator in my children’s lives and not a director. They turned out really well and I am enjoying the fruits my many years of labor working with them to become such good people. My children chose wonderful people to spend their lives with. What a blessing that is! Everyone should be so lucky.