The tree and its ornaments are put away for another year or two or until Grandson comes back. The refrigerator and freezer are full of leftovers, the remains of the feeding frenzy of the holidays. Wrapping paper, bows, and bags are stored for the season. The many rolls of tape are in the drawer with the scissors. It’s the end of the Christmas season and the old year.
Overall, 2014 has been a pretty good year for me. I retired this year which has altered everything in a good way. I am thankful for my husband’s good pension and my own little one that allows us to travel some and enjoy our time as we choose.
The things I lost this year: my father-in-law, a necklace I liked to wear, my patience in a couple of situations. Things I didn’t lose this year: weight, good health, distaste for squash. The things I experienced this year: more time to sew, road miles, Disney magic, joy of cooking again. Things I didn’t experience this year: a book published, a winning lottery ticket.
The best part of 2014 was that I spent more time with my family. It’s never enough, but I’m thankful for each time that I get to visit them.
The worst part of 2014 (not counting funerals) was the long walks to the outhouse in the middle of the night, especially when we were parked in bear country. I survived it, but am not anxious to do it again.
Here’s wishing all of you a healthy and happy 2015! May all your resolutions come true.