It was an exciting week. My grandmotherdom grew by one. I have another grandson, bringing my total grandchild count to two. That’s likely the highest it will go and considering that at one point in time, I thought I’d never have any at all, I am very happy about having two grandsons. They bring a special kind of joy and excitement to my life. I miss my own kids being that age and now I get to watch the growing and learning again through my grandsons. I thank God for the opportunity to see them evolve into boys and young men.
Hubby and I were asked to assist with the newborn by taking care of, entertaining, and keeping out of trouble the 3-year-old big brother. It’s been a tough assignment. This kid is smart. Too smart sometimes. If you want to know how something is done in the household, he can tell you if you can understand his talking. He has a very strong childlike accent. This genius who can count, knows his letters, and can play Wii way better than me has trouble pronouncing some words and letters. He knows how to work electronics and can take my picture with baby using MY iphone, but he pronounces his Fs as a Ps. So things get pretty punny around here.
The weather has been very rainy and overcast so when the sun peeks out, we like to go outside and make a little vitamin D. We took him to a playground on a sunny morning. Surprisingly, it wasn’t all that crowded, but it was a weekday so I suppose that’s to be expected. We weren’t the only grandparents there with children. Grandson has never been to daycare so he isn’t sure of himself around other kids. He likes to play on things all by himself so when others come to play on the same contraption, he usually jumps off and goes on to something else. I urged him to continue to play on a little car when a girl jumped in the back seat. He stared at her and she stared back. Finally she said, “Take me to the ice cream store.” He turned the wheel a time or two without taking his eyes off of her. Finally she jumped out and said, “We’re here!” He gave me a look that said he had no clue what was going on. Grandson, you think girls are confusing now, wait until they get into junior high!
In a week or so, we’ll be returning home after sharing in one of the most precious experiences of our lives. For that, I give thanks to my son and daughter-in-law and grandsons. Most of all, I give thanks to God for allowing me to experience the utter joy of holding a new life in my arms. My cup overflows.