This past week, I spent a lot of time reflecting on all the things I’ve done in my life. I can honestly say that I’ve lived a very fulfilling and varied life, although some might say that I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do. Either way, I’ve done a lot of things and had a lot of hobbies. Through it all, I had great support from Hubby and my children. I have to give thanks to my long-suffering hubby. He’s so good to let me try new things.
I was a stay-at-home mom for many years. I loved it and wouldn’t trade any kind of career for those years. But as all mothers discover, children grow up, and it doesn’t take as much effort to support them as it required at first. When my kids were in school, I went to college and got two degrees, both related to math. I tried to schedule classes for when the kids were at school so maybe they wouldn’t notice me being gone, but they noticed when I had to do homework. I think it might have done them some good to see how hard I worked because they are both hard workers.
My degrees opened a lot of doors for me, allowing me to do many different things: high school teacher, college instructor, secretary, statistician, timber sale accountant, archeological technician, and best and longest of all, a natural resources technical writer/editor. And that was all after my kids were in their mid and later teens. Now I’m launching my post-retirement career as a writer and editor. A labor of love. It’s a good thing that I like variety. I’ve certainly had it.
The same goes for hobbies. I’ve done so many things. I took art lessons for several years, using mostly colored pencil, acrylics, and oil. Pencil was my favorite medium because I could put it down and pick it up on short notice. I learned to knit a little and crochet even less. I dabbled in stained glass, but got tired of having slices on my fingers all the time. I played with pottery, but didn’t like the mud. I painted ceramics for a while. My daughter and I spent several years as cloggers, an amazing form of dance and exercise. We had lots of fun together doing shows at nursing homes, fairs, festivals, and other places. I’ve always sewed things, and quilting followed that naturally. Now I mostly sew purses and baby quilts. There have been other odd hobbies, but they don’t come to mind.
Boredom is not in my vocabulary. I have many skills I could use to make something, write something, or read something. It’s more a case of not having enough time to do it all.