Hubby read an article recently that said over half of Americans want to dump our Constitution and make a new one. Considering the same article said a high percentage of those Americans think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court, I wondered how many Americans have read the Constitution. I hear on the news and on social media, people touting what rights they have, but do they actually know what their rights are?
If you haven’t read the U.S. Constitution, take the time to do it. Click this link and it’ll take you to a very nice pdf version you can read on your computer or print out. The document is only 17 pages long and that includes all the Amendments. It’s not a long read and well worth your time. It should be required reading in high school and college. It’s easier reading than Pride and Prejudice.
I think a lot of people get confused by what the Constitution is, especially when they haven’t read it. Our country has a lot of rules, regulations, and codified laws. Those are not the Constitution. They are subservient to the Constitution, are in agreement with the rights granted by the Constitution, and can be changed or modified much easier than the Constitution. If you want to know how Amendments are added to the Constitution, read Article V.
The article also said some Americans claim the U.S. was established as a Christian nation. Not true. The men who wrote and adopted the Constitution were Christian, but they were very specific about the freedom of religion in this country. Article VI, last paragraph says “…no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” Amendment I of the Bill of Rights says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence (sic), promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Read the Constitution. It’s well worth your time and effort to learn a little bit about where you live.
I agree. My hubby bought a case of booklets that are the written Constitution and he passes them out randomly to people when the topic comes up. (He keeps a stash in his truck.) How easy it is to argue something you know nothing about. Why bother about facts when opinion is more convenient? Sigh. Good post.
I had a small Constitution booklet at work. It’s still somewhere in my house, but I couldn’t find it. You’re right about it being easier to argue about opinion rather than facts. I try to educate myself so I’m not the unarmed person in a battle of wits.
your free pocket Constitution will be arriving in the mail soon. please allow 3 to 5 weeks for delivery. courtesy of your friends at Hillsdale College