Hubby asked me the other day if I had a bucket list. I’m not sure if I do or not. Do you have one?
A bucket list describes all the things you want to do and places you want to go before you die. The term became popular after a movie, The Bucket List, came out in 2007. Two terminally ill men take off to do things they want to do before they die. It’s an interesting movie I saw once a long time ago. I don’t remember it very well, but the theme stayed with me.
What do I want to do before I die? I’m not sure. I’m pretty content with what I’ve already done. I’ve visited Europe and have been in a castle (even kissed the Blarney stone in one). I’ve been to the British Museum and seen Gettysburg (I’d go back to that one). I’ve traveled across the U.S. and been to Cancun. I’ve been to the Smithsonian in Washington DC and Disney World in Orlando. I’m not the daring type so jumping out of a plane or riding the rapids in the Grand Canyon were never on my list, but I’ve been skiing at Purgatory and kayaking on the Missouri.
Even so, I would like to go on a cruise. I was booked on an Alaskan cruise for 2020, but you know how that went. It may be rescheduled for 2022, but I have to wait and see. I’d love to ride the Canadian Rocky Mountaineer railroad from Vancouver to Jasper. I’ve never been to Canada even though we live not that far away and would love to go there someday. I’d love to see the ruins in Greece and visit Ephesus where the Apostle Paul preached. I’d love to write a best-selling book.
That’s about it for my bucket list. The thing is, even if I don’t do those things, I’m okay with it. My bucket list is mostly things I’d like to do if given the opportunity, but nothing that my happiness or fulfillment is based on. I appreciate all I’ve done and seen. I appreciate most of my experiences and interactions with people (there were a few bad ones I wish I’d missed) so even if I knew I would die without doing them, I would feel no remorse.
Where you would like to go before you pass? Is there something you haven’t done that you really want to experience? I’d love to hear about it. Leave comments if you’d like. Good luck in achieving them.
Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the well. Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it. Ecclesiastes 12:6-7
Good thoughts.
I’ve done and been all the things and places I care about. Now I have a “bucket writing” list. It’s a computer file folder containing 34 half-written books. My goal before I “kick the bucket” is to finish at least half of them and see them published. The problem is that I keep having ideas for more books and now that I’m writing a book with my husband, he seems to think I should write all his book ideas, too.
Of making books, there is no end (Ecclesiastes 12:12).