Ecclesiastes 3:1 says To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: and it goes on to list times to do this and times to do otherwise. The list Solomon gives doesn’t include a time it say a time to go 90 mph in life and a time to rest, but I wish it did.
There are two kinds of people I’ve seen: those who don’t like to sit still and those who do. Hubby is the first kind. He needs something to do, something to keep him busy, and he needs a plan and deadlines. I, on the other hand, am content with doing what needs to be done today or tomorrow and can easily entertain myself with reading or just sitting and thinking. Neither type is bad. It’s just who we are as people.
After we got home from Hawaii, Hubby hit the to-do list really hard. He’s been busy running around and fixing things and having the plumber come by and installing Ring doorbells and cameras…. He’s accomplished a lot.
I, on the other hand, have rested and taken naps when needed. When chores need to be done, I get to them on my timeline and not his. They get done, but after my nap. I suppose there’s a limit to how long I can drag out the excuse of being tired from our trip. Sooner or later, I need to get back on schedule.
Still, rest is important. This thought has repeatedly come up this past week in my workshops and discussions on the internet. You can’t do your best when you’re tired. As the saying goes, you can’t share anything from an empty cup. Your ability to share yourself requires rest when needed. God made us so that when we sleep, our bodies are rested and rejuvenated. We can’t live without that. It’s how we’re made and ignoring that fact doesn’t help anyone.
Being organized is helpful when scheduling chores and rest. Yesterday’s workshop speaker said that lists are for prioritizing and not for doing everything on it. That statement could start a lot of arguments, but I understand it from the speaker’s perspective. Listing what needs to be done helps you prioritize what deserves your attention first. Not achieving everything on the list is not failure but the consequence of priorities.
The workshop was directed at writers, and what stood out most of all of what she said was that thinking is work. She’s right. Sometimes I’m staring at a wall or looking outside. By appearances, I’m idle, but inside, I’m plotting and writing a book. It only looks like I’m sitting but my mind is going 90 mph and that’s tiring.
If you’re tired, rest. If you’re not, go out and do good works, then rest. Just don’t forget to do it.