Technology upgrades come so fast these days. I’m comfortable with my old computers and phones, then engineers come out with something newer and better. Having to learn something new becomes less attractive the older I get. That said, doctors say the best way to keep you mind in good shape is to keep learning new things.
I can’t write without computer. Publishers, agents, and promotion sites require electronic copies and submissions. I have a desktop computer and a laptop, both of which are used a lot. My laptop is a small one, used mostly when I travel and at conferences for notetaking. My desktop has all the programs I need to get everything done on my manuscript. Having two monitors helps when I’m writing, with my manuscript on one screen and my writing aids on the other.
But things changed. With traveling south for the winter, it’s too hard to pack up two computer systems (mine and Hubby’s), and there’s no room here for two offices. We brought Hubby’s system down. He has the oldest computer system, with a tower that’s over 15 years old, ancient in technology years, that’s had a few upgrades over the years.
With our new lifestyle, we decided to transform our computer system into something newer and more portable. Our technical consultant, our Son, helped us come up with new equipment. He’s very good at it since it’s his regular job. We’re very lucky to have our own technical support guy. He may not feel that way, having to keep Hubby and me going on these newfangled contraptions. I know it’s a challenge for him.
This past week, Hubby and I got new fancy-schmancy laptops that hook into a docking station. That way we have our individual systems (we use different apps) we can plug into two monitors very easily. It makes transporting our computers much easier. Our grandson B helped his dad install upgrades and configure them to what we needed. He left us pictures and photos on them, along with instructions on how to use the expanded keyboard. I hate to say it, but his instructions helped me find things that I’d have struggled to find by myself. B is far ahead of me in knowing technology. He often tells me how to work my phone.
It’s been a chore getting files transferred and apps reloaded, but Son takes control of our computers from Oregon and gets it done for us while we sit back and watch the cursor flashing across the screen. Takes him so little time to do what would take us weeks.
Every family should send a child to engineering school, so they have easy access to tech support. Son is teaching his sons how to work on computers and write programs. The tuition money we paid for him has paid us back in dividends. We accept that our grandsons both know way more about technology than we ever will.
Son and B, we appreciate you very much. Thanks for our new computers.
This is great! I have a love/hate relationship with technology for all the same reasons. Thank you for reminding me that learning new things will help keep my mind sharp.
I have to remind myself of that too.