Where has this year gone? Winter sped by. Spring was a flurry, and summer blew by like a whirlwind. Three quarters of 2023 over.
The leaves are turning here, and football is on TV. That means it’s time for cooler temperatures and shorter days. I don’t like that last thing, but because it’s been happening since the world began, I can’t do anything about it other than love it. Don’t get me started on time change; that I really hate.
In a 2018 blog post, I explained why I love football season so much. It’s a family tradition. With a dad who played the game and later coached it, a brother who played it, and a brother who referred it, it comes to me naturally. Our house was full of commentators during the games. It’s how I learned the game.
I have one last book signing this coming weekend in Deadwood. I volunteered to introduce speakers which I enjoy because I get to sit in on some great workshops. The book signing part lasts for a day and a half. It’s my first time at this event as an author. Previously I’ve attended as a reader and enjoyed it immensely. Reader or writer, the South Dakota Festival of Books is amazing and fun to attend.
On Monday, I am being interviewed by the local paper. I’m nervous and excited at the same time. And a lot intimidated. My strategy is to relax and just be me. I hope it works, and something good will come from it.
I’ve been excited for October for months because I have two trips planned. First a cruise with my daughter for our annual reading retreat, then a historical car trip with my siblings through Civil War battlefields. I’ll be taking my Vitamin C in hopes of avoiding Covid, the flu, colds, and any other microscopic pest along the way. My fingers are crossed, and I’m praying that all will go well.
Oh, and I’m also writing the next story. One of my readers told me I’m not writing fast enough. I’m trying to pick it up! My problem is I have three books written but not ready to be published. I’ll try to finish one soon.
Football my favorite it. Have fun in Deadwood. Hope we see pictures of your cruise and your sibling trip
AND – Can’t wait 4 more new books to be published.
Thanks, Linda! Stay tuned!