Over the holidays, Hubby and I enjoyed two weeks with our kids in their home. Hubby traveled home to South Dakota for a week, and I had a great first week with our kids. I didn’t see them much. Our kids have so many friends here that wanted time with them that I mostly sat home alone and wrote. I didn’t mind. Friends are blessings you shouldn’t ignore.
Hubby came back for the second week our kids were home, and I came down with Covid. He had a great time with them just as I had the previous week. I spent that week stuck in the back bedroom away from everyone. Fever, coughing, and sneezing hurt everywhere, and I don’t blame them for not wanting to be around me. Sleepless nights and short naps left me feeling drained. Not much fun in that.
Covid brain fog is real, and I couldn’t concentrate enough to read or write with efficiency. I mostly watched videos of Antiques Roadshow, Brenda Gantt, and funny falls or played games on my phone. Both passed the time, and I didn’t have a plot to keep up with.
Everyone came and went, and occasionally yelled through the door asking if I needed anything. They were kind enough to bring me a Whataburger when I craved it and other treats when requested. I was out of the main activities the whole week but in the evenings, I masked up and left my cell to join the others in the living room to hear about their days.
So, 2024 didn’t start the way I wanted or expected. The brain fog is lifting, and I’m getting back into writing and editing. I’m only a week behind schedule. Once I get past the fatigue that comes with the illness, I can sit at the computer desk and do even more. I hope my new antibodies will keep me healthy the rest of the winter…year.
I hope you all stay well. Winter illnesses are not fun at all. If you do get sick, I hope your caretakers are as nice to you as mine were to me.
And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. Matthew 9:35
Glad u are back to healthiness. I’ve had a cough for about 3 and half weeks. Going to a doctor in AZ. SD one didn’t help much. Looking forward to hearing of a book we will be reading soon
I hope you find a cure soon. Coughs are horrible things to live with. Get well soon!