I saw a meme on Facebook today that reminded me of how many lifelong gifts I’ve received from friends and family. While they may never realize what impact they’ve had on me, I value the gift of their lessons they taught me. I can’t list them all here, there are too many, but I’ll tell you about a few.
I’m thankful for meeting all those adults who couldn’t read but were learning. At some point in their childhood, an unkind person told them they were too dumb to learn. Those words prevented them from going to school or even trying to learn to read. Contrary to what they were told, they were some of the smartest people I ever met because they functioned in this world without reading. From them, I learned a single harsh sentence can change a person’s life forever. I must watch what I say so never to discourage anyone from achieving or even trying. Nor should I let someone’s statement made in anger change me or prevent me from attempting something I really want to do.
I’m thankful for my former hairdresser J who not only made me beautiful every time I visited but spoke words of wisdom while she was doing it. All my life, I’ve been preached to about being a generous giver but never about how to receive help, gifts, or compliments. J taught me that you can’t have givers if you don’t have receivers. From her, I learned to be a gracious receiver. Accept help, let someone say something nice to you, or let them perform some act of kindness for you, then say thank you. That’s it. You’ve allowed them the opportunity to do something nice for someone and get the warm fuzzies inside. That’s your gift to them.
My friend K who is a perfectionist in her sewing and organizing skills taught me that sometimes good enough isn’t good enough. Everything she makes is beautiful and her reputation for excellent quality is above reproach. She taught me to go the extra mile, to take the time to make sure what I do is done right. My quilting teacher taught me the same thing, and I wrote about it in my book, Scraps of Wisdom. The lessons I learned from them drive me to do everything I can to make my stories and books as good as possible and not settling for good enough. I want to be known for quality work like K.
Lastly, I’m thankful to Hubby who married a super-naive girl and taught her how to live as an adult. He’s taught me about finances, cooking (he cooked more than me when we were married), keeping a house, taking care of vehicles (like changing tires and oil), and all those other adult things one should do. I’ve been learning from him for 48 years this coming week, and I’m thankful for all those lessons and all his support. He’s allowed me to try all kinds of hobbies (from attending college, to drawing and painting, to clogging and teaching, to writing books), supporting me in all of them. He and my son gave me my first laptop when I told them I was writing a book. I cried because it was the first time I felt believed and encouraged when I said I wanted to write books. From him, I’ve learned the most and am thankful he’s been my instructor for 48 years. Only 12 more to go, honey.
Strength and honor are her clothing; She shall rejoice in time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, And on her tongue is the law of kindness. Proverbs 31:25-26