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Heartwarming Small-Town Romances and Thrilling Mysteries

Last week, I mentioned Hubby and I had been sick. Me with the flu and Hubby with a terrible coughing cold. This week, Hubby is still sick, I’m better but feeling like I’m getting what Hubby has. Oh joy.

Someone told me rest is healing. Resting is one of my best things. I like to take naps. I like to read. I like to watch TV. I have no problem getting rest and healing. A good book or two will get me through several days. Hubby has trouble with sitting still, but sometimes his body says rest or feel even worse. Then he’ll rest.

Hubby’s coughing cold makes me wish our old neighbor, Mr. Dugger, still lived next door. He had the best hot toddy mixture for that sort of thing. He prescribed it to me one time when I was a very sick teenager. He brought a small mug full of warm, brown liquid that was a little bitter, burned a little going down, but it took away my cough. I got well soon after. He didn’t share his recipe which is too bad. Hubby could sure use a dose of that homemade remedy.

Over-the-counter medications work okay but are nowhere near as effective as Mr. Dugger’s toddy. He (my former high school science teacher) gave it out in single doses to those who needed it but kept the formula close to the vest. He died in his sleep years ago and took it to his grave. Now I have to listen to Hubby’s hacking cough while missing an old friend.

If I get what Hubby has, I’ll be reading all those books lined up on my Kindle. I’ll be watching movies, drinking hot tea, and taking Tylenol. If rest is healing, I should be well in no time. Stay well, everyone! There are nasty bugs out there.

2 Responses

  1. Hmm, I feel slighted, I never got to be on the receiving end of Mr. Dugger’s toddy- never heard of it til now. I think I got slighted by not getting to have him as a biology teacher either (changed schools before getting to high school there).
    I’ll have to suffice in that I got to call him Uncle, and he called me Susie while rolling that long index finger my way
    I hope you and Hubby are all well soon.

    1. I know I was lucky to have him as a teacher. I still use things he taught us, and when I do, I remember him even more fondly. Yes, that long index finger twisting and turning at me, I knew I was in trouble.
      Hubby and I are finally well again. It took him way longer than me to recover, but he’s finally getting back to normal.
      Thanks for reading my blog! CS

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