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Heartwarming Small-Town Romances and Thrilling Mysteries

We’re living in unusual times. With schools and businesses closing, people staying in their homes, and the hoarding of supplies, it’s little wonder fear is running rampant in the streets. Whether it’s the fear of dying, fear of doing without necessities, or fear of the unknown, it’s daily growing bigger in some places and in some people. The fear may be rooted in having our routines and freedoms snatched away and feeling out of control. Americans are used to doing what they want, when they want, and where they want so when that’s threatened, many don’t know how to handle it.

 While living in utter fear and totally denial are not the ways to handle the C-virus crisis, being logical and practical may be hard when there’s so much information floating around. Conspiracy theories abound plus the misinformation that some are putting out make it difficult to sort out truth from fiction. The fear of the unknown is most powerful. The loss of control over what’s happening to us can drive us nutty.

So here’s some ideas to regain control of what you can control, namely yourself:

Don’t worry. We’ll get through this, and later when we’re all intermingling again, we’ll share our stories of how we made it through.

One Response

  1. Thank you for this. Hubby and I are looking forward to a whole bunch of time together, playing games, watching old movies, and sitting in the backyard watching clouds. Plus more woodwork time for him and writing time for me. And prayer for everyone.

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