If you’ve experienced depression and lethargy in the fall and winter seasons, you may be suffering from seasonal affective disorder. I know I have it. For me, it’s tied to sunlight, yet that bit of knowledge eluded me this fall when I was feeling unsettled and dreary. But no more.
When we first came to our winter house, I left the sheer curtains closed over the windows so the furniture wouldn’t fade or get sun rot. My idea was in being a good caretaker, that was being careful and considerate. However, I felt out of place and thought I was homesick. Then Daughter and Son-in-law showed up for the holidays, and she threw back the sheers and let the sun stream in. It felt SO good!
Now I have the windows uncovered every day, and my chair is positioned so the eastern sunlight shines across it. I feel so much better and more energized. I should have known it from the beginning, but it didn’t enter my mind what might be wrong. Just another one of my many duh moments when I finally realized I needed more sun.
Getting enough sunshine is important to many of us. So is touching the ground and letting earth’s energy run into your feet and up your legs. I wrote a blog several years ago about it called Touching the Earth. I miss gardening for that reason. Working in the dirt and standing on the grass is calming and restorative for me. Having only potted plants isn’t the same. It takes feeling the dirt beneath my feet or in my hands that gives me a surge of energy.
We need to feel nature in us and around us to make keep us healthy. Remind yourself to get sunshine and to touch the ground. They are simple, free tools for being mentally and physically healthy. Throw open the curtains and let the sunshine in. Get dust on your shoes and rays on your skin. Feel better.
The sun definitely energizes me! I’m counting the minutes gained each day. In the meantime, I’m using my “happy light” and taking Vitamin D. Summer is coming!
I’m on Vitamin D too since my blood tests have shown I’m usually on the low end of the scale. I can’t wait until summer and being in my house that’s all windows on the east. I need sunlight!