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Heartwarming Small-Town Romances and Thrilling Mysteries

We’re Moving

I implied it in my last blog, but I’ll confirm it now. Hubby and I are selling our house and leaving Idaho for now. Or maybe for good. We’ve been talking about selling our house for a while now. The market in Boise is hot and where we live, it’s very hot. We’re within biking […]

Making Adjustments

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. W.A. Ward I don’t like the phrase “new normal.” It has a sense of permanence to it, like things will never be the same again. The things we used to enjoy doing are pushed into the past, never […]

Thoughts on Getting Old

I had a birthday this past week which began my last year of being in my 50s.  I’m not particularly upset about that or ashamed of my age.  I figure I’m blessed to have lived so long.  I had a cousin, Lori, who died of breast cancer when she was 40, leaving behind two preschool […]

Thoughts on My Grandson

I have one grandchild, which is one more than I thought I’d ever have. I was okay with having none. Not that I wouldn’t have like a whole bunch of them, but it would not ruin my life to have no grandchildren. I would just adopt some and be just as happy. Then along came […]

Thoughts on the Retirement Boot Camp

When I retired at the end of May, Hubby had a rigorous retirement boot camp planned for me. My last day of work was a short one and I got home at noon. Hubby took me on a 4-mile hike that day. Part of boot camp is getting into shape. The consolation was an ice […]

Thoughts on Changing Plans

For the most part, ignorance is not bliss and could even be dangerous. But Hubby and I experienced a time when ignorance was bliss. We were camping in Mount Rainer National Park, the land of no electronics. There was no cell service and no wi-fi areas. We were completely out of touch with the world […]

Aging Parents

Many of my friends and I have aging parents. It’s hard to watch because it reminds us that as they are aging, so are we. This brings on a whole new set of problems: how do children take care of those who once took care of us? Is there ever a point that the parent […]

Feels like a Month

It feels like I’ve been retired for a long time, but the calendar reveals that it’s only been ten days. Ten days? It feels like a month! For only two of those days have I been allowed to sleep until I’m rested. The other eight days have been started after the sound of an alarm […]