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Heartwarming Small-Town Romances and Thrilling Mysteries

Thoughts on Hurtful Words

Whoever came up with the adage, “Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” was really dumb. The adage is usually recited by those who are wounded by words to hid their hurting hearts. It’s really a lie. Once hurtful words are spoken, they are forever recorded in the hearts […]

Thoughts on Texas

Most people know that I’m a native Texan. I was born in the giant state and lived here until I was 11. At age 12, my parents drug me off to Colorado where I was teased for my accent and my inability to breathe at 6900 feet in elevation. I’ve been in Texas now for […]

Thoughts on Substitute Teaching

The hardest job I ever had was substitute teaching. Students think it’s their job to make life miserable for subs. It’s a thankless job, and I have high respect for those who do it often. I have lots of horror stories about it, but I have one story that still makes me laugh. I call […]

Thoughts on ERs

Crazy as it may seem, I’ve had to spend a lot of time in the Emergency Room. Not for me, but for people I live with or are visiting me. To be fair, I’ve been to the ER a couple of times, once for stitches and once because my doctor thought I had heart trouble […]

The Sunshine Blogger Award: An interview with Sharon Claus

The Sunshine Blogger Award: An interview with Sharon Claus, From the upcoming book The Secrets of the Clock, Book One of the Daughters of Time Series I was asked to write a blog concerning an interview with a character from one of my books. So I am proud to introduce you all to Sharon Claus, […]

Thoughts on the Academy

I spent the past week at my favorite writer’s conference, West Texas Writers Academy. I may not be a resident of West Texas, but I’m a native Texan and they’ve adopted me as one of them. I’m blessed to be in this situation. Writers from all over spend four hours a day, five days a […]

Thoughts on Stuff

It’s spring and yet another one went by without having a super spring cleaning effort. With all the moving we’ve done in our lifetimes, you’d think we’d have cleaned out the excess stuff, but we didn’t. Work moves were paid for so there wasn’t all that much motivation to jettison the unneeded things. We’re paying […]

Thoughts on our House

In a few days, I’ll have my 10th anniversary of living in Boise. I moved here sight unseen for a new and exciting job. Initially, I thought I’d only be here few years before returning to the Black Hills. The job turned out to be the best ever, and Boise is a great little city. […]